Transforming Christian Ministries specializes in consulting services to churches and other faith-based organizations to overcome envisioning, planning and resourcing challenges. The Transforming Christian Ministries team’s combined experiences in pastoral ministry and consultation with Christian organizations exceed 60 years. While providing professional, faithful leadership and increasing ministry effectiveness across the country, TC Ministries has guided church leadership to grow the biblical stewardship culture within their communities. The desire to help ministries faithfully and effectively answer God’s call to mission motivates the team to provide services relevant to each particular ministry challenge.

Envisioning & Strategic Planning
Unify your congregation by discerning who God is calling you to be (vision), what God is calling you to do (mission) and what missional steps will take you there (strategic plan).

Annual Ministry/Mission Support
Create a culture of generosity built on biblical transformational stewardship principles. Create a ministry action plan. Engage core leaders. Celebrate the ministry and mission activities of your church. Create a commitment event where the majority of church members will commit to ministry support.

Capital Stewardship Movement
Generate a movement, not just campaign frenzy, and transform your ministry/mission. Address a specific need for significant capital beyond the Annual Budget. Create an endowment to fund missions, a ministry or new initiative. Raise funds to build a facility, renovate or transform existing facilities.

Major Gift Fund Raising
Develop and implement best practices for reaching and engaging constituents with major gift capacity. Identify the right donors. Create a strategy to cultivate and appropriately “ask” those with major gift potential.

Readiness Assessment
Discover areas of alignment and misalignment that either strengthen or weaken resourcing efforts. Prepare your ministry/mission for best results in raising support.

Assessment and Planning Study
Learn from your leadership and potential major supporters about their level of enthusiasm and financial support. Transforming Christian Ministries will hold interviews and focus groups to:
- Test your case for support
- Identify potential major gifts
- Discover possible leaders and volunteers for a successful Capital Stewardship Movement
- Discern opinions about the timeliness of the proposed fundraising

Adjunct Pastor of Stewardship
Without hiring additional staff we can plan, organize and implement an on-going stewardship strategy for your ministry.
- Guide lay leadership to create and implement a communications strategy
- Create a plan to grow church members’ biblical stewardship knowledge and increase giving
- Guide the messaging that pastoral leadership preaches and teaches
- Provide Planned Giving Strategies–the building blocks for creating a church endowment or foundation

Executive Counsel to Pastoral Leadership
Benefit by having a professional ministry partner offer guidance for overcoming challenges, setting ministry direction, working with difficult people, resourcing ministry during challenging times, etc.